"the system cannot find the path specified" on non-avast files...

I’m using Avast Free 7.0.1426.

I’ve seen posts about Avast throwing error 3 for old virus definitions but I’m getting the error in the areas shown in the attached screen capture…

It happens in full and quick scan.

What’s up with this?

files that can not be found errors are usually gone if you reboot and scan again

This has been going on for months…

Many reboots, many rescans…

the same files…if you reboot now and scan again same result ?

The links on your system partition point to a wrong drive, probably due to some strange way of installing Windows.
You can disable the option “Follow links during scan” on the “Sensitivity” page of the particular scan - avast! won’t try to resolve the links, and won’t show these errors anymore.


Thanks, I will try that.

Does doing that limit the search for viruses??

Not really.
The options is there mainly for the convenience - that if you e.g. rightclick on C:\Documents and Settings (in a file manager that shows it) and choose to scan it, the target (C:\Users in this case) is scanned, instead of scanning nothing.

Great :slight_smile:

Thanks, igor!