Well, you see, my PC has been infected by Blaster and Nachi-B (I don´t know if they’re differente virus, or just the same…).So AFTER being infected, I’ve inI format the stalled avast 4 (it’s the PC of a friend of mine, and he had not anti-virus). Avast has deleted the viruses, but now the hard disk (total 10 Gb) has no free space (before the viruses it had 7 Gb free). What can I do?? Must I format the PC? Thanks.
So,can you get into Windows or is this impossible?
Yes, I can log into Windows and use it as usual. Well all is slower, all programas take a lot of time. The problem is just the free space in disk.
have you removed all traces of the viruses/worms ?
Have oyu applied all Windowsupdates ?
First make make a scandisk with surface check, best in SafeMode
then Clean-up your WIN (empty. IE-Cache, TEMP folders etc…) and defrag
What WIN is it ? XP, or 2000 ?
Well, it was very weird. I used scan disk for looking for erros in disk, and none. Also defrag, and it told nme that I had used more than 9 Gb (when all I found were 2 Gb).
So finally here’s the error: one of the folders was using more than 6 Gb!!!
It’s C:\Documents and Settings\user\temp_avast_4\
(Before I had look at the size of C:\Documents and Settings\ and it was 0,2 Gb)
Really I don’t know why, this folder had a lot of files and it had that size. I’ve used Avast for a year or so, and it has never used so many bytes. And I’ve cleaned some viruses in my PC (the one that has had this problem with disk space ain’t mine).
So, RejZorR and whocares: thanks both of you for your help!!!
The folder holds the temporary files created by avast! when scanning archives. If it takes so much space, you can certainly delete it!
Are the files inside the folder of a recent date, or are they older? I believe the problem with not-deleting the temporary files has already been fixed.
Sorry for no writting in so many time
Yes, the temp folder was created recently You know, I got infected with the virus and I downloaded avast I run avast 2 or 3 times in 2 days. And in that 2 days the temp foldeer was 6 Gb!! I’ve deleted it, and now it’s not as big as it was Thanks anyway!