Ever since the latest version of avast was installed on my system thebat e-mail client will not exit properly. If I remove the avast plug-in thebat exits just fine. What is happening is the main program windows exits but thebat process is still running in the background which then has to be ended manually. This also stops the system from shutting down without ending thebat process. Please let me know how to fix it.
What operating system do you use?
Windows XP X64. I also have the same problem on a Windows XP system as well
Can you please create a dump of TheBat! process when you’ve closed it and it’s hanging on background?
The process (for a different executable, here it would be thebat.exe I guess) is described e.g. here.
Here is the dump file
How exactly did you get this file?
The file we’d need has a .dmp extension, and should be much bigger than this report (i.e. it’s needed to upload it to our FTP, it cannot be attached here). You can get it by running the hangrep.exe tool, selecting the thebat.exe process (or whatever its name is) and clicking the “Save…” button.
No such tool on my system. The dump file provided is the Microsoft debug tool. Were do I get the hangrep.exe tool?
Ok I found the Hangrep tool and uploaded the file.
I also have this problem, I went through a whole support issue process with the folks over at TheBat and found out it was the antivirus plugin that protects the bat.
TheBat version :
Avast version: Build Jul2008 4.8.1229
OS - Windows XP SP3
This just started happening since the last update yesterday or the day before.
Same problem and same configuration.
Dump uploaded on FTP - thebat_exe_dump.zip 20 Mb.
This problem has become a right pain now, for me and my friends and family.
I was called the other night by a friend AND a family member who both had the same problem. They are both running The Bat! 3.98x and the latest Avast version + latest updates. thebat.exe process does not shut down on exit and they are having to kill the process before shutting the computer down (both on XP Home latest updates and SPs). And today this problem has just begun affecting me also. I am running The Bat! 4.0.24 and Avast Home Edition 4.8 build Jul2008 4.8.1229 VPS file 080729-1. After working out that it was the AV plugin and removing it The Bat! now shuts down correctly.
Is there a fix for this available yet?
No, not yet.
If possible, I’d suggest to disable TheBat! plugin temporarily and use the “ordinary” Internet Mail provider to scan the e-mails.
Thanks for your reply. Yes, have done exactly that already. I hope the fix arrives soon however.
I can confirm the same problem under Win98.
TheBat! is not exit properly since latest update on about 28th of avast. Windows is not shutting down therefore. I have to kill Thebat! in Taskmanger before i can shutdown the PC.
Please send us a link to a old version or a fix of Avast.
For those having the problem:
- Download this file: http://public.avast.com/~glucksmann/thebat.zip
- Extract its content (AvBatEx.bav file) over the existing file in The Bat! folder
On WinXP, the folder is
C:\Documents and Settings[i]user[/i]\Application Data\The Bat!
I must say I don’t know where it’s on Win98 - you can try to search for the file (AvBatEx.bav) and ignore the occurrence inside of avast! folder.
I hope it helps.
Problem is solved (ver. 3.99.29, xpsp2, antispamsniper)
Thanks a lot!