"there is not enough space on the disk"

Hi all,

Have 4.7home on a Dell Latitude laptop running Win2k 1.2ghz with 12.1GB of free space left. I ran a thorough scan and it comes up with a virus right at the start of the scan and I can’t delete it or get it to go to the chest. I originally thought that maybe the vault was filled up, but I deleted the viruses in there and tried this again and it still says there is not enough space on the disk, cannot process c:\backup.bkf I also ran a pre-boot scan and it didn’t help a thing. I can’t shake it My internet has been cutting up and I feel sure this is why. Any ideas how to get rid of it?

If it means anything, this is what it is:
Its a trojan horse, Win32:Delf-ADO [Trj]
File name C:\backup.bkf



The problem you are having is indeed as you suggested a problem with the chest limit, however as you can tell the extension is “bkf” which means that its a backup file and it is most likely bigger than the chest can currently hold (256 MO) you are going to have to eighter increase the chest size to whatever your file is or actually restoring the backup file deleting the trojan then redo a backup. There are alternatives but those two are the best I believe.

Hope this Helps.


Well, since I completley understood what option number one meant I tried it first. Put 0 in the space, which means there is no limit to what it will hold and it still does the same thing.

To do option number 2, what do I do. Restore the whole harddrive back to a prior date? And if that prior date is 4 months ago, will I lose info I’ve put in here since then? Not sure how all this works ???


I personally don’t like to give something no limit, although 0 should have worked, did you try to set the chest size to something a little above the file size.

You appear to have used the Win2k Backup see this link http://web.ukonline.co.uk/cook/backup.htm so a backup that has an infected file when the actual system doesn’t appear to have this infection, is a bit of a waste as you shouldn’t really restore an infected backup.

If the backup.bkf file is old as well (if 4 months old) then I would tend just to delete it, do a scan of your system and if clean run the backup again, that way you retain the data you have NOW.

Backups that aren’t made on a regular basis are better than no backup at all but you need to employ a regular backup strategy, once a month, fortnight, week, etc. I do an image of my hard disk partitions (exact copy) every week and backup volatile data files at least once a day (this includes emails, address book, favourites, etc.).

I tried 0 and 999999 and neither worked.

The only backup I’ve used is the one that comes with Win2k pro and that last backup was 4 months ago ::slight_smile:

How do I tell how old the backup.bkf is? Is that the backup I made 4 months ago and the Trojan latched onto it? How do I delete that file so I can run a new scan and then a new backup?

And I intend to set it to run once a week so I can avoid this in the future…ya live and ya learn, right :-[


PS I’m having serious issues staying on the internet via a sprint wireless internet card. I sure hope getting rid of this Trojan fixes that…I’ve tried to post this reply 3 times and its beyond getting on my nerves now >:(

Most probably not. It’s a backup file of an INFECTED system or a FALSE POSITIVE.
The only way to know COULD not be safe to you (you’ll need to extract a possibly infected file, zip it and send to Alwil for analysis).

Can’t you just delete it? And clean Recycle bin?

Restore and infected backup? Why?

Is deleting it safe? If so, how do I delete it? I tried the delete in AVAST and it doesn’t work so I just use the find file thing, find it and move it to the trash can and then empty it right?

Do you mean, in the virus message? Which did avast report? That the file is in use?
Try http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/ (Unlocker)

If you can do so…

Well, so far so good. Its scanning now and has gone by where it had stopped earlier so we’ll see… will post results shortly.

thanks for the help

You’re welcome…
Feel free to come back anytime and ask for help if you need…

I need my bed now, too late here ;D 8)

hey hey! so far so good… ran the scan and it was clean and so far everything seems to be running normal but it couldnt scan 850 items…any idea why? or should I just forget it and go on.


By using windows explorer and simply looking at the Date Modified or the Date Created column, that will tell you how old it is. A 4 month old backup is virtually a waste of space and you would be better off deleting it completely.

Once you have done that run another full avast scan as previously mentioned and then if clear run another backup.

I doubt this has anything to do with your issue with your wireless internet card.

Many programs (usually security based ones) password protect their files for legitimate reasons such as AdAware and Spybot Search & Destroy, there are others (and avast doesn't know the password or have any way of using it even if it did know it).

When you run scans with the above programs and you delete harmful entries that they detect, a copy is kept (in quarantine/restore/backup) in case you need to reverse what you did. These are usually password protected, you should do some housekeeping and delete old backup/recovery/quarantine entries (older than two weeks or so), this will reduce the numbers of files that can’t be scanned.

By examining 1) the reason given by avast! for not being able to scan the files, 2) the location of the files, you can get an idea of what program they relate to. You may need to expand the column headings to see all the text.

Files that can’t be scanned are just that, not an indication they are suspicious/infected, just unable to be scanned.