THERE ISN'T AVAST SIGNATURE IN MY E-MAIL. (i repost in english!)

Hello, I just joined, I hope I can correctly place the question: I downloaded Avast free antivirus, i use gmail and libero mail, in my emails there isn’t the signature of avast.
I made sure that “Enable e-mail avast email” is selected in the settings, and that in the component-mail-behavior protection, the entry “enter voice in clean messages (outbound)” is selected. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the antivirus but nothing.
:‘( :’( :‘(What should I do?? :’( :‘( :’(

What avast version are you using, the latest being 17.3.2291 ?

It is a little lost in translation, it is “Insert note in clean messages (outbound)” not “enter voice in clean messages (outbound).”

Hello! Thanks for the reply, I apologize for my English … anyway this is the version I use: 17.32291 the last. :o
I do not understand why it does not appear in the emails that i send. :‘( :’( :‘( :’(

No problem, I can’t speak Italian much less write it, so I tend to use Google Translate and it doesn’t always get it completely correct.

You said you use “gmail and libero mail” are both of those webmail, e.g. viewed/compiled through your browser ?