Hi malware fighters,
A french security researcher has found a way to strike back at malcreant exploit script users: http://www.tehtri-security.com/en/news.php
& found thirteen exploits inside exploit kits (not yet made public)
But one is ill-advised to use them because of the fact that juridical consequences could work against those retaliating,
but again if one has enough education to be protected against exploits one does not have to degrade oneself to such actions…
exploits can be found and adopted easily: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/4966/
then one could find some inspiration at milw0rm and build one’s own…
example of explanation how weevely trojan functions: http://thissecting.wordpress.com/category/weevely/
(used for pentesting purposes only, do not use on third party servers)
code analysis: htxp://jsunpack.jeek.org/dec/go?report=e29dce39bff2ec6953f3b9e97bfeb6284e688721
http://linkwizards.us/forum/index.php?topic=13223.msg16843#msg16843 (Cisco Packet Tracer + code)