This bug is back again!

I thought this bug was solved, but it is back again!!!

Whenever I try to login to any website with a password, the login window appears again, and after entering my user name and password, an error message comes up. This is annoying, specially considering that this is an old problem already solved.

Is this happening to anyone else? Any comment will be appreciated.

Have you tried signing in via the account ???

Hi, Bob,

Yes, I tried. And something very weird happens! I can login to my account, but the error message still shows up!!!

Are you trying to sign in using your Facebook or Google account ?
If so just try logging in with your normal avast credentials, email address and user name.

Hi, David,

I never login to my Avast account using Facebook or Google. I always login with my user credentials. And the bug is still there … :frowning: >:(

Looking at your second image in Reply #2 again it is certainly weird it must have been connected to be able to show the devices.

But that isn’t the only strange thing, you appear to have several duplicate devices the Desktop-MC2D7N0 appears 4 times and for Avast Free and Avast Premier.

I just tried to open in my browser Firefox ESR version and for some reason it is sat there spinning its wheels. I would have expected it to come straight in as I’m already logged in to the avast forums.
My only guess is something wrong with the server.

EDIT: OK stopped that attempt and tried to connect again and it has gone in and I haven’t had to log in as it recognised I’m already logged on with the forums, so somewhat strange.