I use four web browsers. Yeah don’t However google chrome and firefox i use the most. I complained about high memory usage with avast. i was going to uninstall it and changed my mind. i’ve traced it to the web browsers that i’m using. the more memory that the browsrs use the higher memory in avast. This still could be a computer issue but i’ve had this computer in before with nothing found. The lowest memory browsers opera and firefox apply to how much memory avast is using. When i use those two browsers avast memory usage is about 40,000-50,000k. When i swap and use google chrome it goes up 5-10%. And when i use google chrome and maxthon3 together it jumps to 70,000-90,000k. I only run two browsers at a time. Those two browsers that i just talked about use the most memory out of the four. i don’t run web rep, i don’t run any programs when i’m on the web. I only care about two things, one web browser speed and two computer and internet security. I’m going to delete one of these browsers. i have a dell vostro win xp sp3 and have plenty of memory. Ideas. The reason that i talked about uninstlling avast was my last antivirus did not go up when i was on the internet. it stayed at a about 40,000k and then after a while went down to 35,000k. ideas? I’ve already posted a dds scan,task manager pic and have no clue. shutting of sheilds brings the menory down about 8,000k.

Remember all web requests are passed through Avast so the more that the browsers use, they will appear to be from Avast due to the way it is set up

Yeah i get that but the higher the memory usage fo the web browsers, the higher avasts usage. If i open the same sites with opera and then google chrome avast menory usage is higher with google chrome. It’s ok, I have always felt that everyones computer and software is different. And that’s why three out of five people have no problem with a software the fourth says it slows his computer down and the fifth says it gave him a BSOD. I’m working with it. 8)