Threat blocked - every Facebook page and some other sites

I have gotten 33 of these this morning. It’s getting kind of annoying. They are apparently due to Avast not liking and calling it HTML:Iframe-AMG[tr][td]. Is Facebook really using that, and is it really a trojan dropper?

Other sites like Drudge Report are also causing the popup when browsed.

Naturally I am glad Avast is blocking trojan, if real, but perhaps Avast should reconsider this constant popup?

Other sites like Drudge Report are also causing the popup when browsed. Naturally I am glad Avast is blocking trojan, if real, but perhaps Avast should reconsider this constant popup?

is no longer flagged by avast
no alerts related

is blacklisted Wot, hpHosts for reporting FPs.[/td][/tr]

Thanks. Thing is, I don’t know if it is FP or not. Doesn’t seem impossible that Facebook is infected…
But hey! now it seems to have stopped blocking on Facebook.

detection was fixed in VPS 130607-1.


Thanks Milos.