Threat Blocked - smb://

Hello all,
In the last few hours, I’ve received this message on avast numerous times (sometimes multiple times within a span of a few minutes):

Can you please tell me what the issue is?

Thank you so much,

Yes, as you can see is “unknown”; where is the confusion???

Sorry, I think I was a bit unclear in my question. Let me clarify:

  1. Smart Scan doesn’t show up anything while scanning the PC, but this message keeps coming over and over. Could there viruses / malware in the system?

  2. I’ve never received this message before (unknown) + with such frequency (sometimes multiple times in a minute). Is there anything I can do to identify / remedy the cause at the root so that I can prevent future notifications like these?


Never have seen that one before.

If you need a check, start a new topic in V&W and post your logs there:;board=4