Threat Blocked : VBA:Downloader-EBZ [Trj]

Hello Everyone.

This topic is about a recent popup that precisely said this :

Avast E-mail Shield has blocked a threat.

Infection :VBA:Downloader-EBZ [Trj]
File :

Can someone tell me if it is dangerous (Outlook 2011 placed it in SPAM)

Happy new year 2017.

VBA:Downloader-EBZ [Trj] >> will most likely download a ransomware if run :-\

DO NOT RUN THE FILE, but you can upload and test file at if tested before click rescan for a fresh result
You may post link to scan result here

In fact, i did not opened the e-mail. Can i destroy it in a 100% safe way ? :-\

delete mail from spam folder in outlook
then access you mail account from webmail and make sure it is deleted there also

Scan results here :

seems you have done it wrong, it is the attachment in the mail you need to upload and test

Thanks a lot for your help.

Just one question : I saw on your messages that there was a “MC Shield” logo below.
I clicked on it and arrived on a strange page : 2013 07 15 205112 ::
Can you tell me what this is ?

Happy new year 2017 :slight_smile:

at the top of the website here is a My messages button, i sendt you a PM

Yea i think that is just for the icon

MCShield is a free USB protection tool, install and forget and highly recomended

MCShield >>

So, goodbye. You really helped me a lot to understand what’s happening. I’ll try to fix this problem as son as possible.

If you need any help, just come back and ask.