threat detected by eset but not avast

i have just used the eset online scanner and it has found a threat that avast has not detected in both my c and d drive. it is called: Win32/OpenCandy.
any views on this please?

opencandy is some adware stuff and i think avast may detect it as a PUP

PUP not a virus but Possible Unwanted Program

pup scan is default off in quick/full scan…only default on in boot scan

upload the sample to and check

is it safe to delete or will it mess up the program that comes with it and either delete the program or mess up the instalation?

Yes just quarantine/delete them…they are PUP’s…if you want to make avast to detect PUP’s just go ahead and enable them in the file shield under:

file shield>>expert setttings>>sensitivity>>check the box that says scan for PUP’s>>click OK

ok. thank you very much

That’s why I don’t download softwares that has opencandy due it eating up my bandwidth! (you never know)

i would not recomend PUP scan…unless you realy know what it is
when something is detected as PUP you need to check what is detected and if it is something you need before you delete
avast also detect many factory installed program from HP / Dell / Thoshiba as PUP because of what the program can do…it can be good or bad if abused

i recomend using Malwarebytes as a extra scanner…what MBAM detect as PUP is usually just browser/toolbar/adware crap that can be deleted at once