today I made a quick scan and found that a exe of a installer of a program as a serious threat
the report says the threat was a “win32:Toolbar-O[Adw]”
its supposed to be a adware
I remenber I do accidentaly got some malware thing that took control of my browser seeting my homepage and things like that,I thinkI fixed it since that has not happened again,however if this exe file wa son my pc does my pc was in danger while it was there?I deleted inmediatly due to panic
I think it was due to some programs asking to install a toolbar thing,once I fall in the trap and them I allways check to see if these stuff install toolbar,but are these toolbars very dangerous or just do this annoying toolbar thing?
what does those adware do? do I will have to change passwords or something?
I havent seen any pop ups so maybe I do have erased this thing completly? that event of the toolbar thing that hijacked the homepage of my browser happened some time ago so I barely remenber it
only downside I have noticed is firefox crashing more than usual but I thought maybe that was due to my hdd being almost full or maybe due to tons of tabs open since it seems to happen mostly when I have many tabs open
so this adware thing only give pops up and nothing else them?
after googling I found that there were sites that offer legit versions of installer but hides this adware things inside,meaning that I wont need to uninstall the program?
so this adware thing only give pops up and nothing else them?
yes...usually crap thet comes with programs you install
like when you update java....and just click next, next, find out you just installed a ask toolbar
Babylon's translation software prompts to add the Babylon Toolbar, identified as a browser hijacker.[3] The toolbar also comes bundled as an add-on with other software downloads.[4] It changes browser preferences such as the user's home page and search engine, changes that can be very difficult to reverse.[
and funmoods
There are several ways how you can get infected with funmoods. You can install yourself, if you wanted to get some moods to your chats, and you did not know the consequences. Funmoods can be installed without explicit user consent. It hijacks your search page and redirect all search queries to spammy results with advertising links. Lots of ads are related to Russian women. Such as Meet Real Russian Women! Chat with Sexy Russian Women and women from some other countries.
if you need a extra Malware scanner, Malwarebytes is recomended.
PRO version is a one time fee fore a lifetime license