I would like to have the same widget as “Patch Management - Devices Summary” but for “Threat - Devices Summary” with the number of devices on every state by threat on the Dashboard.
Did you Submit Idea at https://portal.productboard.com/afb/1-avast-business-management-console-and-antivirus/tabs/1-now-in-development?
We have submited several ideas in the last two years.
None of them have been developed and we have not any news about these ideas or their status.
Submit ideas to the portal is a waste of time!
Hi, I can assure you that all submitted ideas are regularly reviewed and take the feedback very seriously. The number of customers asking for similar thing matters and so it’s important to give us feedback and submit those ideas.
Many things we have prioritized in Q4 2019 was based on these feedback. Same for the next quarter. I believe the upcoming changes will prove that.