I have been using Avast home edition for the past four years and I am happy that it protects my system wonderfully.
In the month of Feb,08, I had downloaded the free edition of threatfire and installed it. It was working fine for a couple of weeks. Then in April 08, Avast indicated that as a malware/virus and removed it. Thereafter I wrote to PC tools support. I got the following reply.
This is a known conflict. With the new update of Avast!, this has become a little aggressive and sees some of ThreatFire’s self-preservation mechanisms as malicious. You should be able to ignore it, but if not, you’ll need to add that specific file to Avast’s whitelist. There are detailed instructions from the people who make Avast! on our community forum page, if you need further help!
Has this been sorted out in the new updates? If not May I request an expert to guide me as to how to add this in avast’s white list. Thanks.
What is the infected/suspect file name, where was it found e.g. (C:\windows\system32\infected-file-name.xxx) ?
Check the avast! Log Viewer (right click the avast ‘a’ icon), Warning section, this contains information on all avast detections.
Remember avast doesn’t remove things, you say what action to take (delete, move to chest, which is safest and best whilst you investigate), avast detects and asks for an action to take (Home version)
This is something you should have come to the forums with two months ago when it happened, rather than Threatfire and we could have advised you what action to take:
A. Scan with multi engine scanner like Virus Total to confirm or deny the detection.
B. If found to be a bad detection, submit to avast so it can be corrected.
C. Then add it to the exclusions lists if confirmed to be a false positive.
I have no idea if this is resolved, but a forum search would no doubt reveal more information, especially if you also searched on the file name that was detected.