
Hello, hope everyone has had a good week.

I currently am looking for other security apps to run with my Avast!, I’ve been leaning towards using ThreatFire again like I use to last year. Currently I am using Comodo’s Defense+, I’m not making a ThreatFire vs Comodo type thread haha ;D I simply am asking the community and/or previous ThreatFire users for some advice.


You can use




A Squared

as on-demand scanners.

Choose one, or all three?

Currently I am using 2/3 of those. MBam and A2. I never really trusted SAS but if its worth it, I’ll give it a shot.

Would it be advisable to run Immunet Protect along side my Avast?

Immunet Protect won’t hurt.

I use MBAM and A2 is a bit bloated for my liking and SAS is good as a second opinion if you suspect an infection.

Thanks YoKenny, I’ll re-install IP and give it a shot. Hoping I don’t BSOD with it running next to Avast!. I love A2, and since I’m on x64 I can only use it as a scanner. So I never knew about it being bloated. SAS is going in as a 2nd scanner tonight.

PS: Awesome “Personal Text” you have there ;D

You can use all 3 of them if you wish. As they are ALL on-demand only (Meaning when you start it by hand). On-Demand do not cause conflicts with your AV. However, if you buy the pro version of any of them I think they come with real-time protection (scanning 24/7) which DOES cause conflicts. And in that case you should only have one real-time scanner active at a time.

I think the upgraded or bought version of MBAM has a real-time scanner.

I think,but am not sure, the free ver of sas does do some monitoring of the system without having to buy it. But it SHOULDN’T conflict at all with your current av. It’s usually when you get two anti-virus programs using real-time that conflict. Like ESET’s Nod32 and avast!

...bought version of MBAM has a real-time scanner.

Hmm…I paid the one time fee for MBAM’s real-time scanner.
Will that create a problem with Avast?

It will not have a problem with avast!

@ Alan|Cvette

I have been using MBAM since it first came out.

I’m not a fan of Comodo:

I do like avast! V5 firewall.

Sorry, I should have made it clear I was not only applying “But it SHOULDN’T conflict at all with your current av. It’s usually when you get two anti-virus programs using real-time that conflict. Like ESET’s Nod32 and avast!” to SAS only. I did mean MBAM. I have never used their real-time shields and have never checked into it.

With that said, I’m not sure what their real-time shield does. I think,if I’m not mistaken (and yokenny can correct me if I’m wrong, as he has more experience in that area than I do.) it monitors your memory for active infections and stops you from connecting to known malware sites.

So no, It shouldn’t be a problem with avast.

It’s having two AV’s running at the same time (like I have posted before, for example) that conflict. Reason being, they wan’t to fight over who gets to do what when an infection is found.

Hope I cleared it up :D.

With that said, I'm not sure what their real-time shield does. I think,if I'm not mistaken (and yokenny can correct me if I'm wrong, as he has more experience in that area than I do.) it monitors your memory for active infections and stops you from connecting to known malware sites.

Right, DarkLegend…I found that it also checks IP numbers to affected sites and blocks them.
The IP protection can be turned off, however, if need be.

Last time I think people were saying that A2 is not that good because it detects a lot of false positives

@DarkLegend: Real time monitoring of SAS is also available in their paid product. I can monitor the change in IE homepage but only when you start SAS next time.
@shiw liang: you are right A2 have a lots of false positive detection which is mostly due to their Ikarus engine.
@Alan|Cvette: you can also use pc tools firewall as a firewall alternative to comodo. It has performed very well in matousec Proactive Security Challenge.

Just for information about the leak tests limitations:

@Alan|Cvette: you can also use pc tools firewall as a firewall alternative to comodo. It has performed very well in matousec Proactive Security Challenge.

I actually gave that a try just 3… maybe 4 weeks ago. The interface is what bugged me the most though. Never really got a chance to try it out 100%.

One thing that most people advise (which I have read in Forums about Threat Fire) is that you should not register it in the Security Center. I think there is an option to do that since it will get identified as an Anti Spyware and that may create conflicts. Don’t know if it is true. But I just followed it. I did use threat fire before but I decided against it. It was causing my browsers to have this delay in loading websites. I do understand it since Avast already scans websites, and you have threat fire coming also to scan any possible attacks based on behavior. I just find it too cumbersome. But don’t get me wrong. I saw the reviews of Threat Fire and they are very good, even stellar.

As for Comodo, it made my PC freeze during one of Avast’s updates. Since then, I threw it out of the Window. Their software is also bloated for just a Firewall. I use Online Armor. But I heard, Outpost Free and PC Tools Firewall Plus also works well with Avast. :slight_smile:

Just a noobs thoughts…


Hi there Mikos, I too have experienced the internet slow down too after installing TF last year. Wish they could have done something about that but the issue still persists. Yes Comodo still to this day is a little bloated, they did a great job last time at cutting the program down from 87MB to 42MB. The Defense+ can be a bit cumbersome if you don’t have a ton of patience to train it. It does get irritating though.

I’ve been dying to use OA again but they still do not have a x64 version of the program.

Outpost I used not long ago, was rather nice but I had a better sense of protection from Comodo.

Hi Alan|Cvette,

I had no paticular hick-ups with TF while having it on my XP SP3, the only isue is the freeze while Threatfire does the update. I have no such issue with ImmunetProtect and RUBotted,
