Threteneing Email

After many years of use Avast has sent me an email stating that unless I reply it is going to delete my account.
As the reply address is not even recognised, I guess that they no longer want my custom at all.
Can someone suggest an alternative virus protection for several PCs that doesn’t adopt such poor customer service?

Personally I wouldn’t call it a threat, but a notice if you haven’t logged into your account for some time.

There are several topics relating to this, here is just one, that has had many replies,

As I mentioned in that topic (Reply #3), this is poorly worded and may be considered a risk in these days of scams/phishing emails.

Even more so, some of the reason to actually access the site are being discontinued (the ability to monitor devices for each system you have avast installed on or people that you look after, family etc. See Changes to device section of

This makes the account virtually redundant for those using avast free, so why this bloody email, I just don’t understand the mentality of such decisions.

To actually log on to the avast forum, your log on is indirectly linked the your account for validation. I would have thought that would suffice, that or the fact having an active avast installation, being updated VPS, program updates, etc. should be confirmation enough.

@ David R,

The avast account that notified it was ending soon unless I logged in was a secondary account, so here I now have two accounts currently active. I rectified the termination notice for that account by logging directly into it; all is good now.

Like you, clicking url links in an email is pretty much never a no go for me, so not a good idea for avast to propose to do that. ???

Presumably avast is clearing out user accounts mainly for fiduciary reasons?

I do know that the number of user accounts must be massive (database management I believe could be one consideration) when you think of the number of avast users (hundreds of millions) and the old registration process going back some time would have required the generation of an avast account in

When you consider the numbers of forum members who also have a forum user profile (registered users 1.32 million plus) many that haven’t logged on since creation or for years. Looking at the number of posts it is only just over the 1.37 million a rough average of only one per registered user, but I many of that 1.32 million will never have posted.

Even given that, the way Avast have gone about this required more thought.

Agreed. Thanks for the information it is helpful.

[EDIT:] Link to another topic, this one in the General topic section: