Thunderbird problems after updating to 2014 9.0.2011

After updating Avast! to 2014 9.0.2011 just now, email message bodies in Thunderbird is no longer downloaded. Interestingly, the email does show up in the email listing pane, but when you click on the email to read it Thunderbird pops up a message that reads “Server xxxxxx has disconnected. The server may have gone down or there may be a network problem.”

Here’s what I did so far, based on information I gleaned from other similar (but different) threads on the forum related to Thunderbird:

  1. Deleted my cert8.db file
  2. Exported the Avast! mail shield certificate, and imported into Thunderbird (as per

Unfortunately none of that worked. Anyone else seeing this? Any ideas how to fix it?

EDIT 1: I should also add that if I disable Avast!, the email is downloaded.
EDIT 2: Also, I’m using Thunderbird 24.2.0 and Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.

Just a thought, did you upgrade by Clean Install or over top of a previous version?

Email from and to Thunderbird 24.2.0 with attachments is working here on Windows 7 Pro, 64 bit, with Avast 2014.9.0.2011 free installed but my setup doesn’t use certificates.

I initiated the update from within Avast itself, which downloaded and installed the update.

I have the same setup (Thunderbird 24.2.0 and Win 7 Pro 64 bit) with GMail accounts setup to download via IMAP.

Well from monitoring other similar issues I’m not sure but one user solved the issue by clean install.He also had updated over top (.2008)
If I had the issue you are experiencing, I would uninstall using AvastClear.exe (reboots your PC to SafeMode and then runs)and then re-download fresh version of your choice and install.
Download all files first before Clean Install

If all else fails I’ll try a clean re-install. Hopefully I can figure this out :frowning:

Yes I know its a hassle, good luck and report back with your result. :slight_smile:

Quick update … I went ahead and did a clean re-install but unfortunately no luck. What a pain in the butt :frowning:

Probably should not have deleted the cert8.db file…

You can recover it from the backup, which is named cert8.db.bak.

The issue I experienced was the MailShield.der SSL cert being removed by the v2011 installer (this has happened previously after installing a program update).

After I exported it from v2011 and imported it into Thunderbird 24.2, I had no further issues with email.

Interestingly enough everything worked again this morning until I ran CCleaner. Not sure if that is just coincidence. Running CCleaner was never a problem before. Maybe the latest version of Avast now relies on some information to persist. I have Thunderbird “Session” cleaning unchecked in CCleaner though so who knows.

I have the same problem with Thunderbird…disabling the shields & TB works fine.

I updated to 9.2011 yesterday and Thunderbird mail is working fine for me, both receiving and sending.

Upgraded TB from 24.1.1 to 24.2.0 and no change.
I’ve disabled Avast Mail Shield until a fix is found.

Don’t ask me how I figured this out but I believe I have a found a “solution” of sorts.

First, I noticed that the error goes away when I manually perform a virus definition update, EVEN IF THERE IS NO UPDATE AVAILABLE. That explains why it started working “magically” this morning … Avast must have ran a scheduled virus definition update.

Next, I started hunting for the reason why, every time I run CCleaner, the problem returns. I eventually tracked it down to the “Temporary Files” option under “System” in CCleaner. When you uncheck that option and run CCleaner, the problem does NOT return. This only started happening when I updated Avast to 9.0.2011 so the latest version of Avast must be writing something to a temp storage area somewhere that is then cleaned out by CCleaner if you have “Temporary Files” selected in CCleaner.

So for now it looks like I will have to leave the “Temporary Files” item in CCleaner unchecked. Alternatively, leave it checked and then manually run a virus definition update in Avast every time you used CCleaner.

I turned ‘Mail Shield’ back on…unchecked ‘Temporary Files’ in CCleaner & than did the ‘Definition Update’…sent an email to myself & it got through…so for now I guess this will have to do.


Thank you so much for posting this. I’ve been pulling my hair out for 2 hours over this and this is the only solution that has worked for me. Interestingly I usually run CCleaner to SOLVE issues like this. Thus I must have run it 10 times today thinking it might help. Anyway, thank you, you’ve saved me who knows how many more hours of work here. Hope Avast fixes this issues soon!