Thunderbird provider?

Does the Outlook provider of avast works with mozilla thunderbird? My on-access scanner says that 7 providers total, 6 running even when thunderbird is in use.

No. Mozilla Thunderbird is scanned by Internet Mail provider.

The message “The provider is waiting on the subsystem to start” will be shown there until you open MS Outlook.
The plugin will be enabled automatically after that.

Ok thanks! I got it now ;D

You can customize your shield as like you need and dont need. That what i did do. So even if you got Outlook on your pc and you dont use it then you can turn off MS Outlook Shield for sure because you dont use it lol. So i can say why let it turned on when you dont need it that would be funny.

As far as I know, it isn’t really running until you start outlook. Until then it doesn’t consume resources (I think…)
That said, if you don’t run outlook, you could disable it I suppose…

Well i got it installed but never touched it lol. I already got a IM so why i should use Outlook for another 1 ? That would be strange for use 150 email provider…

The plugin does not start if MS Outlook is not running. It does not use any resources. You can let it there. Remove if you’re paranoid ;D