Thunderbird stops downloading new emails

I have a problem with avast email shield blocking incoming email. Thunderbird is unable to get new email until I disable the email shield or delete the email through webmail that makes avast unhappy. You can see an example of such email below:

From - Fri Dec 18 15:47:15 2015
X-Account-Key: account1
X-UIDL: 0003491547be78d4
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
X-Mozilla-Keys: $label1                                                                         
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Is there anything I can do except disabling email shield every now and then?

What OS/SP ?
What exact version of avast ?
Any other security (related) software installed ? (or was there)
What exact version of Thunderbird ?
Does the mail server uses TLS/SSL ?

This is on Windows 10 (did the same and on Window 7), I’m using avast 11.1.2241 and I have no other security related software installed. The Thunderbird is version 38.4.0 and I have STARTTLS as a security option for the pop3 server. Please feel free to ask any other info that might be useful.

Thirst thing to do is installing the latest avast version, you are a couple of version behind.

Unfortunately the problem persists. I have this problem over a year now and I was hoping that an update would fix it. Anything else to try?

Which Avast…? (Free/Pro/IS/Premier)


First, be sure to get rid of all remnants of your prior installed AV(s)…!!


  1. Download Avast Free Antivirus:
  2. Follow instructions: (Run this tool for all prior installed Avast versions…!!)
  3. Reinstall Avast with the downloaded installer from point 1.
  4. Reboot.

Avast is the only antivirus software I installed on this PC after a clean install (not upgrade) of windows 10.

STARTTLS is outdated, most ISPs don’t use it anymore.
Switch to SSL in TB and try again.

I changed it to SSL but I still got the same problem. It doesn’t happen everytime I try to receive an email. Only when an email I send get’s rejected and the rejection message is similar to what I posted in my first post.

Why do you think that it’s related to Avast…??

Because when I disable avast email shield I have no other problems. I did have it disabled when I was on windows7 for about 4 months with no other issue. I have now a clean install with nothing but the os, office and the AV (all original). Also some collegues of mine told me they had the same issue until they switched to another product. I prefer avast but email scanning is useless to me as it is now, as I have to disable it from time to time just to check if I have missed an email.

Anything about it in the avast log files ?

Happy new Year! I’m back with more details. bob3160 thank you for your reply but I don’t have any error messages in the logs about invalid certificates. Also I suppose the error would appear with every message I receive and not just emails with specific structure. The log file Mail.log show “–POP CATCH (…) in Retr” repeating each time thunderbird tries to download new email messages and fails.

Any other ideas for things to try?

Is this your Gmail account?

No it isn’t a gmail account. It is a personal email account I have as a teacher in greece from

you may contact the mailprovider and check if they have spam/virus protection on the mail server

or you can test here

if they do a alternative is to turn off mail shield or try another mail client