Time Zone Setting?

My USA Central Daylight Time is (-0500) vs. the time displayed in my Forum postings. My Profile did not show me a time zone setting. Please advise if it is possible to display time in my local time zone format.

TNX - -

Falling Rock

In the menu at the top of the page choose: Profile → Account Settings.
Then on left, go to Look and Layout.
The option is called Time offset.


Mity, Thank you for the helpfully intended reply.

I have clicked on the Profile item in the yellow bar above, and selected ACCOUNT SETTINGS from the pop-down menu there. I have reviewed the resulting webpage of information. There is NO item on this page labeled, "Look and Layout, "and there is no item labeled, Time offset.

The items on this page are:
Username FallingRock
This is the displayed name that people will see. Preferred Language
This must be a valid email address. Allow users to email me
Choose password
For best security, you should use eight or more characters with a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.
Verify password
Secret Question
To help retrieve your password, enter a question here with an answer that only you know.
Choose carefully, you wouldn’t want someone guessing your answer! why is this blank?
Current Password:
For security reasons, your current password is required to make changes to your account. [Change profile] button
… and, the links to Facebook and Twitter are just below there, and underneath it all, the window frame with: SMF | SMF © 2012, Simple Machines, etc.

It ought to be mentioned, that there is NO SECURITY indicated on this Profile>Account Settings webpage. There is no padlock symbol, and no colored bar symbol in the Location bar of this Safari v6.0.5 browser. I will post a separate item to seek help on this in the Avast! for Mac Forum in a few minutes. System is Mac mini with OS X Lion (10.7.5) and Avast! Status window shows the Application version = 7.0 (39141) and the Vps version = 13070701. I am copying (Cmd+C) the Location slot contents to paste the URI here, of the Profile>Account settings webpage:


Last Full System scan was 7/1/13. I posted a question or two in separate thread(s) on certain things seen in the results. Having trouble getting Full 4-hr. scan to run to completion overnight, because OS X keeps trying to logout and go to sleep after an hour or three, despite my having set all the shutdown timers that I can find in System Preferences to “Never.” Thus, it interrupts the scanner prior to completion, and OS X complains in a persistent popup that, "The application avast! canceled logout. … " and the avast! scanner then fails to record any log at all, or, maybe, OS X prevents it; but this I think must be an OS X problem, not Avast!, and I must take it up with Apple support tech tomorrow. Or, now, that will be “later today” when Apple support shall have resumed working hours.

And, does this condition (incomplete logout) allow the Web and other Shields of avast! to remain protective (unclear, whether the ethernet LAN-cum-cable modem to ISP and internet can be protected during the remainder of the night)? If not, maybe I have caught a bot! or worse. Worries, worries everywhere …

I have now labored to re-compose this material, after the website apparently timed me out without warning over an hour ago(??), and discarded my equally laborious and detailed statement, last night. I had no idea what happened, but only when I hit the Post button did the website abruptly tell me I had no right to post in this Forum! 
I wish that Avast! would recognize that typing a detailed problem description into this window is a real-work and necessary activity, that it takes real time, and that when at login was selected the 1-hour duration, Avast.com ought to make it one full hour of Inactivity, based from the last keystroke in this text window. Also, avast.com ought to suck in even the unfinished, un-posted typing from this text window, and keep them for maybe 10 days with a notification to the composer/author on every subsequent login to the composer's account, that an incomplete posting is needful of his/her attention. 

Further help with my Time setting is respectfully requested in this thread, and will be gratefully received.


You need 20 posts before you can change this setting.

Ah, I see. OK, I will get busier.

Do Reply posts count toward the quota of 20, or must the 20 be new items?

All your posts count. :slight_smile:

Thank you, Asyn, you have resolved my issues. This concludes this thread.

You’re welcome.