TimeOut on POP3 reception

Since a few days, I get always a TimeOut error (0x8004210A) when trying to read my mails from Yahoo-Mail with Outlook (POP3).
The relevant Microsoft pages tell to look at the AntiVirus.
And YES ! They are right ! If I stop AVAST of if I stop the Mail agent in AVAST, no more problems ! No more TimeOut errors.
Have you noticed that and how have you solved it ?

  • Which Avast…? (Free/Pro/IS/Premier)
  • Which version…?
  • OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP…?)
  • Other security related software installed…?
  • Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…?

AVAST since a long time ago. Free.
Release 2015.10.2.2215
VPS 150401-2 automatically updated
OS : Windows7_32 bits

  1. Download Avast Free Antivirus: https://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avast_free_antivirus_setup.exe
  2. Follow instructions: https://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility (Run this tool for all prior installed Avast versions…!!)
  3. Reinstall Avast with the downloaded installer from point 1.
  4. Reboot.

I will try to reinstall as you suggest.
I will tell the result.

OK, awaiting your reply.

If the clean installation does not solve it, have a look here:

Hello again
Uninstal (in safe mode)
Reinstall (with Google Chrome that I don’t like !!!)
Open OUTLOOK => same problem !
If I close the Mail agent => no error ! mails are read immedialtly …

OK, try Eddy’s suggestion.

Certificate avast! Web/Mail Shield Root is OK. Ending date 2025 !
In the meantime I have disabled the mail input agent in the AVAST parameters but this is not good at all !
I am wondering if the problem did start when updating last release of AVAST ?

Did you use the uninstall tool ?

Yes I did, under Safe Mode.

I am having the exact same problem this morning, but in Thunderbird. Cannot get or send emails at all unless SSL is UNchecked in the Avast settings interface. This is just since the most recent Avast program update, which was installed yesterday on this machine (Samsung notebook running Win 8.1). The problem didn’t occur until a reboot of the system after installation/updating was complete.

I initially thought it was only blocking SSL connections. Unchecking SSL in the Avast mail shield settings allowed me to get and send mail to/from those accounts. However, Avast mail shield is also blocking mail from the older POP servers where I did not have SSL configured.

I see another thread where someone else is describing the same thing, so this is not an isolated incident. The update of Avast apparently broke something that was working previously.

Avast Free v. 2015.10.2.2215

Perform a clean installation of avast.
See reply #3

This obviously didn’t work for other users, but I will give it a try once I have time to waste on it. I will report back when I can.

Thanks for your help.


Waiting till I had time didn’t work out, as after closing my browser, and trying to open DreamWeaver (the work I had to do), none of my programs would open at all. I couldn’t even get back in to Firefox to return here. I wound up having to do a reboot to safe mode, uninstalled Avast, and did the clean reinstall as suggested. So far, this worked – I can get/send mail normally again, and my programs are opening. However, after yesterday’s update to the newer version of Avast, all was well until a reboot. If the same happens again, I’ll be back.

Again, thank you very much for your assistance.

I hope the original poster has found help for their situation, as well.

Is your Outlook up to date…!?

I use OutLook 2003 and it is not maintained anymore by MicroSoft.
The release is 11.5608.5606.
My Windows7 Professionnal-SP1-32bits is updated automatically and I have never seen any update related to OutLook.
But I think that OutLook is not part of Windows but part of MicroSoft Office.
I don’t understand your question. Without AVAST running, my OutLook works fine. The problem does not come from OutLook.
It comes from AVAST and probably from the last release of AVAST because the error appeared quite recently.
I have tried AVIRA and I don’t get timerout error with this software.

To find out which version of Outlook 2003 is installed, see: http://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/821549