I used Forte Agent to send a large mail (large file) to a friend. While sending the mail Agent got timeout a marked the message in the outbox as NOT send.
But that’s not right. The reason for the timeout was it took a short while to send it from Agent to avast!, but avast used a long time to send it out on the Internet, and then Agent got a timeout waiting for the confirmation from avast!
Yes, I’m interested in this one too. It happened few times to me too, but I’m using Outlook Express. I was also sending mail, but small message with big attachment (2 Mb).
The good thing is that even I’ve got message that mail is not sent, mail is succesfully delivered to my friend (I asked him does he want me to send him mail again, and he said that he’s got that one already).
Have you tried resetting Avast?
The OnAccess Protection/Internet Module/Advanced panel has a setting that you can adjust. If your file transfer is not completed in about 2 minutes, Avast will “ask” if you want to drop the connection, unless it was set to “drop” the connection by default.
ASK and 120 seconds are the default settings.
Also, I have saved the file/s in different formats which sometimes helps. RAR and TXT sometimes work better than others.
Thanks my new friend ! Thanks a lot. It woked, everything is great, no more timeout messages. I set server timeout in my Outlook Express to 2 minutes and 30 seconds just to be sure… is that ok ?