TLS handshake failure

A few days ago I had some strange problem with Avast which could not start properly so then I have decided to reset and then reinstall. Problem went away but a few days later another problem ocured.

When I try download email to my email client I got error

TLS handshake failure

Similar with another emial client - connection is immediately reset.

There is no problem with getting emails when connection is not secure so there is something wrong with TLS/SSL. Another Avast reset and reinstall does not help. Disabling email component does not help as well.
I was trying to export SSL cert from Avast but then I found that it could not export due to some unknown error.

I assume that there is something wrong, something blocked as the OS level but I don’t know how to fix it.

Thank you for reporting the issue.
Could you please help us with investigation by providing some data?

Please enable debug logging (Menu > Settings > General > Troubleshooting > Enable debug logging).

Reproduce the issue (try downloading the email with all shields active).

Create a support package ( and post the ID here.

Also could you please try downloading the email with both mail shield and web shield disabled? And let me know if you were able to download it (outside of the logging process, just to see if it works).

Thank you very much,

Let me share some important details before I share logs.
My problem has started exactly like and then I’ve tried to repair then reinstall and finally uninstall.

Important is that when Avast was uninstalled problem still persist. I also try to use older version from about March buy it did not help. Disable firewall also doesn’t solve the problem.

Then IMO Avast has changed something permanently on my PC and this has impact for secure email connection.


I have exactly the same problem a few days ago.

I use eM Client as my email client for Gmail accounts and this happens everytime. The solution is disable the shields for 10min, restart eM Client and restart the shields and everything works.

Deinstalling email component solves the problem.

In the meantime I have removed Avast cert from client. Then install email component again with hope that the cert will be added again (but it did not). Email client notified that the cert is not trusted so I can add it to trusted. After that, email was downloaded again and no more warning/error about cert