To skin or not to skin ?

Hey Sasha,
It’s radicalb21. I really like the new skin and can’t wait to download it.

OK… take a look at this one…

EDIT: Sorry, problems with attaching file to this post… see post below…

OK, this is update… check the final version of the skin. And when I say final, I mean it… no more changes. It’s not fair to Vlk… I sent him this skin installation file 3 times in last 2 days…

I made all those changes you guys requested… I hope you’re happy now. :slight_smile:

Radicalb21 - I knew you’ll like this one, 'cause I know you are obsessed with radioactive, biohazard symbols. I’ve got idea, looking at that wallpaper you sent me my friend… Enjoy this skin, I think Vlk will upload it this week…


What are you waiting :stuck_out_tongue: Send it to Vlk :smiley:

Very nice Sasha but, I’m very happy with the new 9-11 skin you made.
Thanks. ;D

Thank you my friend, and apologize for vlk…

You did more then i asked, i had just complain about the WIDTH (the height was ok). So you gave you more work then i requested ::slight_smile:

Looking forward to trying this one !!

Hello everybody !!!

Skin is in avast! skins download section !!! Vlk, thanks !!! That was light-of-speed-fast !

I hope you’ll enjoy this one, 'cause this one is best one I’ve ever made (IMHO)…

Link for skin section:

Regards !

a very nice skin Sasha :slight_smile:
good work ;D

Got it :slight_smile: Its great :slight_smile:

Excellent work Sasha, it looks even better on the desktop in full working order.

Hi Sasha !! As i told you, i downloaded the bionic skin and tryed it. Very impressive !!

With the french language there is a small glitch concerning the box shown in the attached file (the box is not large enough to contain the archive scan text). For comparison the other skin is zygote (my previous one).

This small problem made me think that maybe there should be an official release of skin designing rules to be sure that a new skin will suite any language pack… Alwil what do tou think ?

Again thank you Sasha ;D

Problem already fixed… I just have to send new skin version to Vlk…

See attachment… Thanks for alarming me…

You’re not yet in bed ? ;D Must be the time shift (it’s midnight in France) !!!

Ok so everything is fine now. You’re faster than problem detection :wink:

No, Toronto enjoys nice day in here… actually, now it’s almost midnight in here too… ;D But, now, you are waking up…