To Vlk and all the Avast Staff you are mind kinda people

Vlk and the Avast Staff,

You and your great staff of the Avast company are doing a great job on this Avast Anti-Virus product, cause I am so amazes by you and your staff each day and each month for improving the the Anti-Virus Security.

Well I can see so many people from different country around the world are starting to like Avast and Trust Avast, and I am not 100% sure if many people are getting out of Norton and McAfee Hell club.

I must say I really gotta kiss you and your staff for this Avast Product for a peace of mind Anti-Virus Security, finally I am amazes about this WebShield option cause I had no idea their are heap of virus out there in the internet world using IE6 before downloading to my HD.

I get about 7 different virus mostly every 2 or 3 weeks going straight to the Chest section long before WebShield came out, like I said before I am amazes about this WebShield option cause I had no idea their are heap of virus out there in the internet world using IE6.

GREAT JOB! Avast you are mind kinda people I can fully TRUST!, and I am sure everybody in here on the forum would fully agree with me about you and your staff for the great work.

I wish everybody here on this forum to help Avast by encourage other people and your friends out there in the real world about Avast Product for a peace of mind Anti-Virus Security, GREAT JOB! Avast you are mind kinda people I can fully TRUST!.

Long live Avast and long live the King and Queen of this product.

We all agree with you 8)

I totally agree, but not only pass the word about avast, but also pass the word about the forums so they get the best experience possible from avast.

DavidR, that is the truth…

I agree too DavidR and sorry we all encourage other people and your friends out there in the real world about Avast Forum website as well.

As a lot of you are talking about the avast forum, let me add something…
A long time ago we have the k@arma stuff. It generated a lot of fight ;D
Pavel won’t let me even mention it ;D

Anyway, that was, in my opinion, an instrument for the users to know the quality of his/her postings.
If the user is helpful, kindly, friendly, useful… well, in fact if the others like or not what he/she posts.
The system is not possible anymore.

How can we learn to post useful?
I mean, not quantity, but quality posts?
Any suggestions of self control?

Yes! I don’t believe many people on the Avast forum do fully understand to used Common Sense user friendly on the Avast forum without a conflict conversation, before somebody might bite your tongue :wink:

Well, Technical my friend… people can feel who posts quality and who posts quantity. As long as we all give our best to help everyone in these forums, I believe these forums will live and survive everything. If someone can’t “swim” in these “wild watters”, we are here to try to help him… some of them just reach the shore and never come back, some of them never even say small “thank you”, but some of them are very happy to stay and give their best to become part of this wonderful comunity. Some of them even became wonderful forum support, and they keep helping all those new “lost” users… We have to live with that, and some people should think of that differently… they should be always aware that we all have our private lives, our regular jobs, our everyday responsibilities… and we still find some spare time to hang in these forums and help others. I think that we all are doing great thing.

Thanks to everyone who contributed in any way !

Cheers !