Today Avast started to Max out CPU

Avast (Personal Edition, latest version) started maxing out the CPU today when I’m looking at an email in Thunderbird. I’ve got a Q6600 cpu, and it will hit 25% (as one of the cores gets maxed out) and freeze Thunderbird for 5-15 seconds as I download or open a single email.

For instance, it did this when it was downloading the verification email for this forum.

Is there a problem with the latest version of Avast? Or Thunderbird?

I’m running:
Thunderbird 3.1.12
Windows Vista
Avast 4.8.1368

Personally I would suggest that you update to avast 5, which has been out for 7 months now, 5.0.594 is stable for the greatest majority of users and is fine with Thunderbird.

If you use SSL/TLS (secure) email accounts you may need to adjust your email account settings - see

I downloaded version 5 and it works fast. Not sure what the problem was with 4.8. Now I’ve just got version 5 falsely labeling legitimate emails as scams.

Can’t you be more detailed, alert message, etc.

Have you changed Mail Shield settings, e.g. increasing the Heuristic sensitivity or is this on default settings ?

Where are the emails from ?