Avast (Personal Edition, latest version) started maxing out the CPU today when I’m looking at an email in Thunderbird. I’ve got a Q6600 cpu, and it will hit 25% (as one of the cores gets maxed out) and freeze Thunderbird for 5-15 seconds as I download or open a single email.
For instance, it did this when it was downloading the verification email for this forum.
Is there a problem with the latest version of Avast? Or Thunderbird?
I’m running:
Thunderbird 3.1.12
Windows Vista
Avast 4.8.1368
Personally I would suggest that you update to avast 5, which has been out for 7 months now, 5.0.594 is stable for the greatest majority of users and is fine with Thunderbird.
I downloaded version 5 and it works fast. Not sure what the problem was with 4.8. Now I’ve just got version 5 falsely labeling legitimate emails as scams.