Today, we’re opening Vessel to everyone.

Vessel video streaming

For the next 72 hours, everyone who signs up for Vessel will get a free year of early access, on us — no strings attached.

First problems already found.
During sign up I can’t choose a gender.
I can’t see my last name.
Field for it is blank and stays blank (or text and background have the same color)
And clicking on sign up keeps giving the message “Enter last name”

No problem here. Maybe there is a location restriction ???

I had no problem registering but my first attempt at watching something ended having some kind of error, first I thought it was an addon but all of them are disabled and still nothing.

Which Browser and are you allowing flash ???

The one in my signature and flash works just fine, im pretty sure its something on their end.

If it was on their end, then I would also have a problem and I don’t. :slight_smile: