Todays update

Can anyone tell me what files might have changed in todays update please?.

When Avast did it’s auto update, I got a red box saying unsuccessful (Server busy). I then tried a manual update and everything seemed to go fine, but there was no confirmation of the new update being installed.

Thanks for any info.


I received the same message yesterday (23 Oct): server busy
The About dialog says: 4.1.287 and 0310-0

Today, 24 Oct, the blue panel (from updates) show: new version of avast!.. but nothing changes in version of program and database… :-\

why do not you try again with Updating> Program Update… ::slight_smile:
it worked fine with me ;D


I had already tried again manually, but didn’t know if there should be a new version number or if I’d been successfull.

Tried your suggestion (did it again) I now I’m getting the same version number as you reported.

Thanks for the info.

Nice tip minacross, it works for me too. Thank you 8)

any time Lito ;D

Hi All,

Actually, the newest VPS is 0310-1 for version 4.1.289.
My Avast did an auto download and these are the updated numbers.


Everything is fine with 0310-1 and 4.1.289 in XP SP1 updated system… :wink:

Same here with W98 using manual program update.