While on line, Avast! alerted me of a new update and, as usual I said go for it.
It turned out to be one of the big ones, about 15 minutes worth on my glacial modem and one that required reboot and some Zonealarm permissions to complete.
I trust avast! and am glad to get the update, but wonder where I can find what I just got.
Anybody else curious?
Hi Jima
You mean the program update?
That is available here:
Thanks, but no, I think not.
I guess it was the virus database update of the kind that happens a few times every day.
I just wonder what the difference is between the “normal” size ones and the biggees that require restarting the computer, etc.
I think the big ones happen about once a month.
I never get database updates that take a long time and require a restart. Only the program updates would do that. I have used Avast for about 7 months and have never had that happen.
I think spg SCOTT is correct.
The big updates are program updates.
4.8.1335 has been the program version for quite some time, now, recently 1351 was released. In part to improve migration to Avast 5 when it is released, but it also has improvements as listed.
(And it’s running very well on my system.)
Check your “about avast” information.
Yup, it is as said by Tarq and SPG^^
So dont worry, its nothing serious^^