- It was detected when moving the tomb4.exe file to another folder.
- The file is included in a modificated version of Tomb Raider Level Editor caled Next Generation Tomb Raider Level Editor. It’s a modification to Tomb Raider IV engine to allow more features and better performance. It can be downloaded from http://skribblerz.com/editortools.htm
- It was downloaded 23/03/2011 and until recently there was no problem with it.
- tomb4.exe
- The last pop-up message was overwrited by another one, so I can’t tell exactly. It said it found a suspicious program and deleted it immediately.
- The message says the file is safe, there is no danger.
- https://www.virustotal.com/pl/file/2e07f27c7631aecad3bb7ec250b3daef6a2df93f0a3cb347805b7f646f27fce0/analysis/1371629048/
MD5: c502e39546c807afc58838d20952fedb
Detection ratio: 2/47 - There is no information about Win32:Evo-gen on any of the two sites.
- The file is widely used by Tomb Raider Custom Level Community and there have never been any problem with it. The person who have made the file has a good reputation on Tomb Raider community. I have used it myself for several years without problems until recently. Virustotal out of forty seven found only two antiviruses that think of it as a dangerous file. When scanned, Avast says it’s a harmless file. The evidence provided by the above questions let me judge the file is safe.