Too slowly

I’m from China!Avast is a very good antivirus software!!
It’s too slowly to download the update!
I can’t bear it.
And open your website is also very slowly.

Would you improve it?

Thank you!

How are you updating? How do you start the update?
The updates are incremental. This is the wiser method of updating.

How do you connect the Internet (dial-up or permanent connection)?
Welcome to forums 8)

The updates goes really quick here, and also the website opens fast.

avast! automatic update processes are normally one of the extraordinarily smallest and fastest in the market, even on the slow dial-up internet connection.

I think it’s an effect of the earthquake that hit nearly Taiwan island last week, it destroyed some undersea cables which has caused the internet triffic to be so slow badly in many asian countries such as China (including Hongkong, Taiwan) Japan, Korea, Thailand, etc.

I think that is something outside of avast’s control, I have a dial-up connection and the incremental updates are fine as is the access to both and the forums.

The VPS updates are as has been said incremental so the download is much smaller than many other AVs. Typically the VPS update for me is under 25KB in size.

Are you downloading the complete VPS400 file from the website (avast! VPS Update - Manual Download) or using the programs auto update function ?