Top 20 of password detected by password stealin' trojan..

Hi malware fighters,

The hotmail account passwords weren’t hacked by phishing attack but more than likely achieved by using a specific password stealing trojan.
What was in the list:
Top 20 passwords
A password used frequently (68 times) is “123456”, then we have “123456789” and “alejandra”. Because of the names the trojan attack could be located in Spain/ Lots of users however had strong 8 character passwords. Multiple log-ins with the same passwords and typos were found so this had to be the work of a trojan, else the list should have been cleansed by the phishers.

123456 - 64
123456789 - 18
alejandra - 11
111111 - 10
alberto - 9
tequiero - 9
alejandro - 9
12345678 - 9
1234567 - 8
estrella - 7
iloveyou - 7
daniel - 7
000000 - 7
roberto - 7
654321 - 6
bonita - 6
sebastian - 6
beatriz - 6
mariposa - 5
america - 5

So Google removed cached page after about 3 hours.


P.S. A webpage might be cleansed of malcode while the cached page may still hold it.
So be aware of this phenomenon,


Bummer, they guessed my super strong password ;D