TOPIC CLOSED (THANKS) Spam processing - how does avast! actually behave?

I currently use avast! for everything except incoming spam filtering, mainly because I have another program I’ve gotten used to over the years. I’ve gotten very dissatisfied with the other program though and am considering using avast! for spam filtering as well. Unfortunately, I have a low “pain threshold”. Can someone give me a fairly detailed description (non-technical, please ???) of these questions:

[1] Am I correct that avast! identifies probable spam by adding something like “SPAM” to the subject line?

[2] Does avast! create a spam folder, or do I need to set up a rule (Outlook 2002) to move spam to a folder I create?

[3] Does it “learn” (e.g. Bayesian)?

[4] How do I add safe sender addresses or block future messages?

Thanks for your patience and understanding :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


It uses the spam folder of Outlook itself.

It should, by updating the definitions and rules for it.

On the settings of the antispam filter, there are a white and black lists.