شكر :
تحية تقدير لمؤسستكم العامرة أفاست بكل العاملين فيها .
إني لا أجد ما يوفيكم حثكم من الشكر على خدمتكم للجمهور بإتاحة نسخة مجانية نحمي بها أجهزتنا من البرامج الضارة
لكنكم لستم بحاجة إلى أن أشكركم
ومعذرة فقد أحببت جعل هذه الرسالة عبر بطاقة لإدارة التسويق , لكن زر اختيار درجة أهمية البطاقة لم يتفعل رغم كثرة محاولاتي خلال عدة أيام لذلك وجدت طريق هذا الفرع الجميل من المنتدى وسيلة ملائمة لبعث شكري وتساؤلي
سؤال :
أيها الأساتذة :
أنا غير متقن للحاسب ولا أحسن التعامل مع البرمجيات
لكنني أجد لكم حقا علي باقتراح لا أدري عن إمكانية تنفيذه تقانيا وتجاريا
وهو أن تدشنوا خدمة فحص الأجهزة الشخصية عن طريق الشبكة ( الإنترنت ) دون أن يحتاج المستخدم لتحميل برنامج ( أفاست ) بل ما عليه إلا الاتصال بموقعكم الجميل واختيار أيقونة الفحص والتنظيف مقابل مبلغ مالي على المستخدم تحصلون عليه من الشركات المزودة للإنترنت من خلال اتفاقكم معهم على قيمة ( خاصة ) معلنة على واجهة الفحص , تحسب على الأفراد المستفيدين بمدة اتصالهم خلال عملية الفحص , فهذا يريح المستخدم من إلغاء المكافح لديه وتحميل أفاست , ومن الشراء ببطاقات الائتمان التي لا يحسن أكثر الناس التعامل بها , أو عناء البحث بالأسواق عن النسخة الأصلية , ويضمن لكم دخلا مناسبا , ويزيد الإقبال على ( أفاست ) لكون الجميع يرغب بتنويع المكافحات دوريا دون تعب حذف مكافح وتثبيت آخر
Well… it should be an English-only forum…
Could you please, go to an automated translation service, copy & paste your text and get, at least, an automated translation of your writings?
Pay tribute to metropolitan Ofast all your employees.
I do not find what Iovicm urging you thank your service to the public by providing free copies of our protect malware
You do not need to thank you
Sorry and have loved making this card through the letter of the Department of Marketing, but the button to choose the degree of importance of the card, although many did not Itfl Mhaolaty over several days and found that through this beautiful section of the forum is an appropriate means to send my thanks and Tsawli
Dear Teacher:
I am not perfect nor the best computer software to deal with
But I find you really do not know the proposal on the feasibility of implementation and commercial Tghania
Tdhenwa is that the examination of personal service through the network (the Internet) without requiring the user to download the program (Ofast), but the only contact Bmoukekm beautiful icon and selecting the inspection and cleaning in exchange for a sum of money used to get from the companies with the Internet through Agkm with the value of (private) declared on the front of the examination, calculated on the duration of contact with individual users through the process of examination, it relieves the user from the cancellation of struggling to have and to hold Ofast, and purchase credit cards that do not improve, most people dealing with, or bother to research the market for the original version, and ensures you adequate income, and increases the demand for (Ofast) the fact that everyone wants to diversify Almkavhat periodically deleted without tiring fighter and install the latest
Dear colleagues: I apologize to you for being late, because of the concerns of life that made me forget the subject.
I have written languages Arabic citing: avast that made me the front of Saudi Arabia, and I do not know English.
Esteemed colleague tech
Beautiful thank you, and Thank you very much for the links that had me, and I apologize for Kony Ozaajtk because I can not write in English
My colleague, the high-scythe944:
Excuse me you are well, You might understand some of what I want through the translation of the great colleague -= Fenrir =-
My dear colleague -= Fenrir =-:
I do not know how to thank you for your effort and your translation of the mechanism by
Thank you very much, and pardon me Otapetk has often translated Pthmlk I humbly request that your translation may be brought the idea
Generally do not Chgloa yourself by letting the previous talk is important that you do not deserve fatigue
I have been translated from Arabic into English via google.
Its good how Google translates (جوجل ). Avast or like you say Ofast is a reliable product, and I think it will make its way into the Arabic world as well. Thank you for your reaction and welcome to the forums, may you stay safe and secure on the Internet is the wish of,
The avast achieve fame and growing Ihoudy great respect and admiration in the Arab world, especially Saudi Arabia.
I like google translator because he is intelligent and speed, with the possibility of adding an icon to translate web pages within the browser icons for you to translate any web page open, click the icon only. If you want to translate part of it determined that segment.
I chose the icon of the interpretation services and in the text box and put the Arabic text with the choice of language interpreter and translator of the language
Take a google translation link :
I ask you to copy and paste, because I may not know how to paste the link here to do not know the English language.