

Hi, sorry but this is an English forum, I do not understand your message - could you post it in English?

He/She says “In my.avast.com AMS sometimes shows Green (installed), sometimes Gray (not installed) while AT always shows Green. Is this normal? Should I worry about?”

He/She later posted in the Japanese forum too; if you have some answer for this, please post it and I’ll translate it for him/her

Hi, in general it means that some AMS feature is not working - usually some shield. Could you click on the “Antivirus” when it changes colour to grey? Then it should show more details (what shield is not running).

He says it shows “AV is not installed, let’s install it now”, or like that. If he clicks it, it leads to AMS page of Google Play store which shows “already installed”.

It sounds like a bug, we’ll ticket it for the My Avast team. It seems the MyAvast platform loads incorrectly.
Could you please ask the user what browser he uses, and if he can try a different one? If it happens again, please ask him to send us a screenshot. Thanks for your help, NON!

You’re welcome, I asked him to provide details.

BTW I can confirm this issue myself, so I attached two screenshots about this.
I use Firefox ESR (52.5.3) 64bit.

When the issue occurs

The issue disappears after walking some other my.avast.com pages and back to this page

Hi all.

The issue has been reported to responsible team which will investigate it. Please be patient.

If you notice anything else related to this issue that has not been mentioned yet, do not hesitate to share.

Thank you!