Torrent sites


I’ve been using Avast for some time and have been able to access torrent sites on my PC. Over the last day, I have not been able to access a number of torrent sites. These have been available on my phone through wifi so it’s not an issue with the sites/wifi.

I know I can add the sites to the exception list but I’m then concerned about viruses etc. Does anyone know what might be causing this?

Why can’t you connect ?
Are you getting any Avast Alerts or error messages ?
If so can you post a screenshot of the avast alert (with the more details option expanded) or any error message.

I’ve attached the message I get. I sometimes don’t get the Avast message on other torrent sites but they’re still not loading. All other websites are loading fine.

Are you actually trying to connect to this site in the image ?
Can you connect if using a different browser (other than the Avast Browser) ?

If the other alerts are for the same site you can ask for it to be checked.
Reporting Possible False Positive File or Website -
You should get a response in a day or two.

Yes. That’s the site I’m trying to connect to but I get the same outcome for any torrent site. I’ve tried different browsers and the same thing is happening. Thanks. I’ll try that.

You’re welcome.

I’m having the same issue. Happens for all torrent-related sites I’ve tried, on two separate computer. I’m curious if you were able to make any progress on this.

It seems to have righted itself with most of the sites. Thanks anyway.

Looks like it could have been cleared after a request - Reporting Possible False Positive File or Website.