Tous les . exe sont pris pour des virus; All .exe are taken as virus

tous les .exe qui sont lancés au démarrage et les autres plus tard ( iexplore.exe, notepad.exe …) sont pris sans exception pour des virus. J’ai Win2k et la toute dernière version de Avast (installée directement du site le 21/04).
Pouvez vous m’aider merci à l’avance.


all .exe are taken as virus ( iexplore.exe, notepad.exe …), i have Win2k, the last version of Avast today.
Someone can help me.


What is the reported virus name?

The virus name is " virut "

  1. backup your non-executable files (pictures, documents, music)
  2. try to clean the infection with Dr. Web CureIt, but be patient, it’s not easy to clean Virut infection… better to do it offline
  3. in case of any suspicious behavior make a format and reinstall

i’m sorry that i can’t tell you something better, but Virut is really agressive mass spreading virus…

Maxx, as Bagle infects avast and corrupts it (in version 4.7), can’t we get a special protection against file infectors? Like a dedicated heuristic module for file infectors? Aggressive viruses should have a special treatment… they’re not ‘inoffensive’ trojans…

some kind of behavior blocker should be available with version 5 (maybe as a part of firewall), cause the opening of PE file for writing is a suspicious operation… but this was only the idea, it is not coded/tested yet… it could be as effective as self-defense of avast is…

Thanks. I hope avast 5 comes to light before the suite (antivirus + firewall)… Hey, you hate scheduling… but is there any? ;D

edit: not the opening for writing, but the writing to PE itself is suspicious… many file managers are opening the files with GENERIC_WRITE flag…

// schedule: as always i can say - there’s no official release date atm… :stuck_out_tongue: