tous les .exe qui sont lancés au démarrage et les autres plus tard ( iexplore.exe, notepad.exe …) sont pris sans exception pour des virus. J’ai Win2k et la toute dernière version de Avast (installée directement du site le 21/04).
Pouvez vous m’aider merci à l’avance.
all .exe are taken as virus ( iexplore.exe, notepad.exe …), i have Win2k, the last version of Avast today.
Someone can help me.
Maxx, as Bagle infects avast and corrupts it (in version 4.7), can’t we get a special protection against file infectors? Like a dedicated heuristic module for file infectors? Aggressive viruses should have a special treatment… they’re not ‘inoffensive’ trojans…
some kind of behavior blocker should be available with version 5 (maybe as a part of firewall), cause the opening of PE file for writing is a suspicious operation… but this was only the idea, it is not coded/tested yet… it could be as effective as self-defense of avast is…