tracking cookies think its dangerous?

well,lets see people say that tracking cookies arent dangerous they are used by websites to track the sites we visit this is my story…

6 years ago i had a pc (now i use only a laptop) i was to surf very carefully and only use it to do net banking but i knew that surfing carefully wouldnt put me in trouble sometimes i was to use to search for some songs,to download rock music etc…days past by and my family started using computer of and on…use increases the vulnerability meter increases…thats why i brought norton to protect me…but it failed…not against viruses…but against tracking cookies…

one day i came to know that my cpu usage was 100 percent thro thask manager my pc was running so slow the proccess list didnt show any normal proccesses there were 53 processes and all were realevent.exe even the main processes like winlogon.exe,lssass.exe,usernit.exe were not seen but what was that??? virus?,trojan?,worm?,adware?,spyware? NO,it was not anything but a whole stuff of tracking cookies and they later downloaded some adware named some alexa toolbar…how did it go?did it cause any damage?till some extent yes it slowed down mu pc startup increases ram usage and did some damage to some modules running in the system…guess what it even damaged norton…then i downoaded a free version ad-aware personal updated it and did a full system scan…it found a average 256 tracking cookies a hidden adware some sort of toolbar named alexa i think it was the wiok of the cookies and found two registry items this also was done by tracking cookies…after the removal the pc was always was to show after the boot some registry error and it pitched me a lot to remove norton…it even did some damage to the sp3 package which was there on my xp pc…i had to reinstall it…so now what u people have to say about tracking cookies?are they dangerous?so bye…dont forget to clear ur cache regularly otherwise u will have problems with tracking cookies…


Hope this can help you: