Tragedy In Newtwon Connecticut

Not sure if anyone of you are aware of this horrible news today. I live in Connecticut and I am about 40 minutes away from Newtown. What is this world coming to when innocent children are gunned down.,0,455352.story

Yes, I’ve been following it for several hours. A Another terrible tragedy this holiday season. :cry:

Yes just heard about on the News, even in the UK.

I just can’t imagine what the families are going through, words just fail me and aren’t enough.

I also can’t understand what motivates these people that would go to schools and kill children and then take their own life (so it seems). Why not just go to some quite place and reverse that order and spare the innocent.

What make people do these things go beyond my understanding. My heart goes to all those families.

I am with you DavidR, but unfortunately, these people in their distorted mind think they are making a statement without realising that others end up seeing them as sick monsters.

No words really,



Have to agree wih you there.

This Christmas will not pass without remembering these many babies and other adults in Wisconsin, so far this year, etc.,

As for the possible motivation as to this heinous action here, anything said would be pure speculation, as the main actor is not living to say. Suffice it to say that this did not have to be, but still is what it is. What is done is done.

I worry about the emotional damage to the survivors, both young and old, and to the families directly affected, particularly for the future. The only common thread to this action was that both the mother and father of the person committing these acts were killed, and a girlfriend and friend are missing, so this may have been family-based in his personal history or have family social roots buried somewhere in there. We will never know in any case.

Unfortunately for many, this will not be the Happy Holiday most of us are looking forward to.
I can only express my sincerest condolences to all those whose live was turned upside down today
by an apparently very confused and mentally unstable joungster.
I hope the families of those that lost a loved one today will find the solace and comfort in something
that will eventually return a reasonable life to them. :cry:

What actually happened has constantly been changing as reported by the news media. At first it sounded as if his mother was his primary target and the kids, who apparently were mostly in her classroom, were “collateral damage”. It was only hours later that I learned his mother wasn’t even at the school that day, he’d killed her at home and then went to the school for his “main” rampage. And it seems he took his own life when he heard the first-responders arrive.

It’s been three days and I’m still in shock. Innocent children with their whole life ahead of them cut short. :‘(
I did light a candle in church for the victims. :’(