Transferring avast PRO license from dead machine to new one

I purchased a 3-computer, multi-year license. I run avast Pro on a desktop, a laptop running XP, and used to run it on another laptop running XP, which is now dead and not repairable.

I have purchased a new laptop which runs Windows 7.

2 Questions:

  1. Does Avast Pro run under Windows 7?
  2. How do I transfer the license from the dead machine to the new one. I have and can read the hard drive from the dead machine – failure was motherboard, not drive.


  1. Yes.
  2. No magic, just enter your license. :wink:

Thanks for the good news.
I assume that I should just install the download file I already have, and then insert the license.

I cannot find the license code. How do I recover it?


This should do it.