Translate Avast into Arabic

I would like to translate “Avast” into Arabic language … to be included with the program setup for the following Arab countries :
Algeria - Bahrain - Egypt - Iraq - Jordan - Kuwait - Lebanon - Libya - Morocco - Oman - Qatar - Saudi Arabia - Syria - Tunisia - U.A.E. - Yemen - Mauritania - Sudan - Somalia - Eritrea - Djibouti - Palestine
I have translated 274 programs so far…
I promise you I will update Arabic frequently when needed … It is great and smart program …
Please reply soon … so to start to translate such great program …


Hello and Welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

Well, the person who you are looking for is Igor, he can help you about the translation :wink:
But currently he is in vacations , as Vlk mentioned HERE , so you’ll have to wait till he is back :wink:

Wow… welcome to avast forums 8)