Translate coordinates to street address

Hi I am trying to translate the coordinates (from Avast Mobile) to an actual street address. It does show me approx. on the street where the phone is located but I could use the address as well. (I know that it would be approximate) Thank You!

This product rocks!!!

Has anybody else had this problem or is there a setting I need to change? I googled and have not found anythiing regarding this issue/bug.
Thank You

It’s just not possible. Civilian satellites can not provide accurate geospatial information for reverse geocoding.

Only military satellites can.

Thank you!

Just an fyi, I did try another product ( a family locator). That product did not return coordinates, but gave an approx. street address +/- 30- 50 ft.

I think I’m fairly well covered between the two.

the problem is Google charges quite some amount to do reverse geocoding (which is what you want). for a free product, we can not afford that costs.