Well, there is a romanian translation mistake, and while it’s not so important technically, in terms of meaning it’s nonsense.
The “autosandbox” section is translated in romanian as “ZonăTamponAutomată”.
The word ”Tampon” means : hygiene product used by women during a natural processes, or used to cover a wound.
I think it will be better to rename it ”Zonă Temporară Automată” what means ”Automatic Temporary Area” (in one word Autosandbox), with spaces between words.
Well, the question is whether it should be translated at all… I believe it was supposed to stay in English in most languages (at least those based on the Latin alphabet).
If translated, I’d probably stick to a space-less text (such as AutoSandbox or SafeZone - they also don’t have spaces between the words).
Since this doesn’t affect only the AutoSandbox text - but also the ordinary Sandbox, as I can see - I’m not sure if I can perform a simple replacement, it might break some grammar?
Well the ”Autosandbox” is fine too as it’s an IT word, and theese words not allways have translations, so it will be great in both cases but not in the actual form, as it’s nonsense .
I have translated a couple of apps. Some stuff just should NOT be translated. This one could be translated as “automatic/automated sandbox” in whatever language, but do not translate the sandbox term please. There’s no good translation for this one. And yeah, Autosandbox is kinda like Avast trademark, would just leave it is as is.
I did no translate it as it is a program (part of) name.
Also, in Portuguese, there is the prefix “auto” (same as English).
Sandbox, the box with sand, means nothing in Portuguese. It’s a technical term.
As a side note - stuff that the application vendor does not wish to be “translated” should be somehow marked in the translation template. (Stick a comment or whatever there, haven’t seen the actual avast! localization file so can’t tell exactly.)
In Russian “sandbox” means a special place on a playground for little children where they can make different things (like building sandcastles) out of sand.
Me too, I agree that terms like Sandbox or SafeZone must be treated as names of products and never be translated.
That’s exactly what it means in Estonia too
Thus it’s not good to translate it directly, but I have done it so far (we also translated it directly in Comodo IS). If we leave it as it is (sandbox) then it’s maybe a little bit hard story to read for computer beginners etc.
I agree about the AutoSandbox and SafeZone as well.