Is it posible to user to translate avast to his own language?, receiving, for example, an ini file in english and sending it to the avast company? It seems that only a few languages is available…
Sure it’s possible. Well, you wouldn’t receive exactly an INI file, it’s a little more complicated - we have purchased a special software for the translation of the resources. So, you would receive a special bundle that can be translated using a special (free) software.
Another question is the translation of help files (they’re in HTML and TXT format).
A number of translations are still in progress (even though it may not appear so, translating avast! is a lot of work, so it can take quite a lot of time if you don’t do it as your full time job, which you probably don’t :))
Any particular language you are interested in?
Hm, maybe Portuguese?
Igor said: Sure it’s possible. Well, you wouldn’t receive exactly an INI file, it’s a little more complicated - we have purchased a special software for the translation of the resources. So, you would receive a special bundle that can be translated using a special (free) software.
Another question is the translation of help files (they’re in HTML and TXT format).
Of course, I can help in Portuguese translation. Maybe it takes a long time but why not start it now? Can I download that free software of translation? Could you send me the help files (HTML and TXT)?
I want an email to send some translations of avast to Portuguese, if there is any interest on them… ;D
Hi Technical,
thanks for your interest in translation, such effort is highly appreciated
As you might realise, the person which is responsible for translation is Igor - but he is now on his well deserved holidays. He will definitely contact you when back!
Thanks again
Thanks, Pavel. But Igor is in contact with me by email.
I´ll wait for his vacations… 8)
Today I sent to avast team the translation for Portuguese (help and tooltips). Waiting for the translation of the program itself 8)
Portuguese translation of avast! will be available soon!
Everything is translated and it´s on the final revision ;D
;D ;D ;D
Do you want to change some “tranlations” experiences?
Why don´t you post me an IM?