tray menu suggestion


It’s possible, in a future version, have in the tray icon menu the option to enable or disable the proxy that we choose on the avast! settings?


If you choose ‘automatic detection’, for example, the same as the browser, won’t it work?

I don’t use the Internet Explorer :wink:
So I think this will be a very useful feature to be added…

Doesn’t that option work with the ‘default’ browser?
If not, well :stuck_out_tongue: It’s a pity.
But, like this one, the users will ask for a lot of other features on the tray menu.
I think it won’t be the best place for a ‘all-there’ features and options ::slight_smile:

Doesn’t work… :wink:

By the way, I do not think Technical meant for “i.e” to mean Internet Explorer.

Technical - correct me if I am wrong. :slight_smile:

You’re not wrong. I changed my post to avoid misundestandings :wink: