TrendMicro HouseCall Will Not Scan!

Hello. I’m having a problem with TrendMicro’s onlines scanner - Housecall. Basically, the virus definitions never loads up and it does not scan my computer.

I have used both the Java-based engine of Housecall 6.5 and the Active-X based engine of Housecall 6.0, and with both instances I have been unable to get Housecall to scan my computer. Housecall will load up the Active X object or the Java kernel, but it will not download the definitions or do a scan! After 15 minutes, I often get an error that there is some bad connection or that the files cannot be downloaded.

Can anyone give me some advice on how I can get it to scan? I have not had this problem with other online scanners.

By the way, I am using Win 98 and IE 6.028 SP1 with the latest updates from Microsoft. I use a dial-up connection

Hi there, I just use House Call today and it seems to be working fine. I remember Monday where it took a long time to start the scan. :-\ Try House Call again and see if it’s working at your area. :slight_smile:

Trend Micro Worldwide won’t work for me; Trend Micro Europe will for some reason.

If you can’t use Housecall, download Trend Micro Sysclean & virus definitions:

hello guys
I also having a problem with TrendMicro’s onlines scanner…,.so i am thanking you for your answers it helps me.And i am so lucky that i am a member in this forum.

doctor is out

Welcome to the forums, Tazz64. :slight_smile:

Glad to know you found help here.