Trial version of SBS Suite Premium edition.

I am planning to deploy avast! SBS Premium Suite on a network with SBS 2003 R2 Premium and 14 XP Pro client machines.

I looked at the trial download section but I cannot seem to find a trial version for the SBS Premium Suite. Do I need to download the suite componenets individually? If yes which downloads would make up this package. So far I downloaded:

1- avast! 4 SBS Edition (avsrv_ful.exe)
2- ADNM without MSDE (setup_adnm_no_msde.exe)
3 - avast! Antivirus - managed (setup_av_net.exe)

Does that sound right?

I am confused because the last download, setup_av_net.exe, has a note:

Note: the download package contain both the Server Edition (the one that should be installed on Windows-based servers) and the Professional (aka NetClient) Edition for use on workstation. Use the /server or /client command-line option to specify which version to install.

So, is this server edition mentioned that comes with setup_av_net.exe SBS Premium edition? Maybe I did not need to download no 1 then? Also, is no 1 standard or premium edition of !avast 4 SBS?

Ideally, I would like to install whatever needs to be installed and if I decide to buy, just insert the relevant licence details and have SBS Suite Premium edition as described on product page running on the network.

Help will be appreciated. Thanks.

p.s. It would be really nice for dummies like me if you could put a direct link to the relevant trial download from product page! ::slight_smile:


I recently deployed the SBS Suite in an environment that sounds just like yours. The SBS server trial download had the client installer built into it, so the first two items you listed were the only two I needed.

Once ADNM was configured, I was able to perform the push installations through that interface, without ever actually touching the client executable.

Be sure to read follow the ADNM deployment guide and (FYI) one surprise I had was in the managed client deployment, the deployment failed when I used the domain.local format for my domain. When I changed it to the NETBIOS format, i.e. domain without the extension, it worked flawlessly.

Hope that helps!


netjustin. many thanks for the reply. worked flawlessly.

No problem. I consider that particular issue to be odd, indeed. As a Windows admin, my problem is usually solved by changing domain to domain.local, not the other way around. But by happenstance I tried it and had success.