Trick or Tweet? Malware Abundant in Twitter URLs

As many as one in every 500 web addresses posted on Twitter lead to sites hosting malware, according to researchers at Kaspersky Labs who have deployed a tool that examines URLs circulating in tweets.

not surprised, been tweeting recently: a new link to crack, porn, keygens etc… etc… is posted like every 20 seconds sometimes, popping up in the most popular topics…there’s almost no moderation and filtering seems like an impossible job on twitter, although I read they pretend to start doing something now…you got to be careful all the time on twitter…those not able for any reason to make the difference between a “legit” tweeter and a spammer/scammer should be careful with the short links used to fit in the 140 characters limit, that often lead to the worse. TweetDeck gives you a preview of what the link actually is if set so in the settings…doesn’t always work…not mentioning that the spammers can sometimes post stuff that seem to be on topic, with a dirty link.
Take a look at the screen shot, this is not an example of spam but how you can avoid clicking blindly. Again, this doesn’t always work, some spammers are posting links where just the short link appears without unveiling anything until you actually launch the link in your browser.

would be nice to have more feedback from users in this thread. Twitter has become a major source of Internet threat for millions of people, that’s something interesting enough to be discussed no ?

Are you a member of Planet Tonga Forums?

I don’t have a cell phone so I don’t use Twitter.

not yet a member, but hey, thanks for the useful tip :wink:
To the second part of your post lol believe it or not I was expecting you to post this here… ;D
I personally don’t use phones at all, they’re evil…considering an Internet alternative as well, any clue ?

…further more, yeah what’s the point of discussing topics related to stuff you don’t use ? ;D

Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware (MBAM) uses it and I do use MBAM and you asked for feedback

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