Tried Email Wizard: No Good. Help?

I have read over ten pages of questions here searching for an answer to mine, but I have yet to find it. I had been using Avast successfully for a few months, but recently I had to re-register my license code and suddenly my email won’t send or receive.

Avast changes my SMTP and mail server settings to which I don’t understand at all… and now it won’t do ANYTHING. Can’t send or receive. Very frustrating to say the least.

I use Win98 as my OS.
I have the latest version of Avast.
I use Eudora as my email.

Hope you can help me. Thanks so much in advance!

If you have Windows 98\Me, the change of the login settings is normal while using avast. See;board=2;threadid=7913;start=0#msg64228

With Win98 SE you should have:

pop3 server= smtp server =
username = mail.server.coml#user or
smtp authentication enabled and the username there = mail.server.coml#user or